August 5, 2003

At this point, his application is in DC ( the final scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark comes to mind). The Consulate in Jerusalem can do nothing at this point except wait.

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aug03Mudeif Office
August 4, 2003

At the facility, Barbara could hear the police discussing her, proposing that she was working with Hamas, collecting information for terrorist activities. Barbara spoke up in her defense, asserting her innocence. Astonished that she knew Hebrew, the police turned to questioning her, a process which wore on and on, and which took decidedly harassing turns (you have a boyfriend? how do you make love to him?).

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aug03Mudeif Office
August 3, 2003

Qalqilya, where the Wall first originated. Particularly there, the situation could more appropriately be described a prison. High concrete walls, guard towers placed all along. In order to include nearby settlements on the Israeli "side," Qalqilya has been isolated such that it has one entry gate coming and going. It is already estimated that one fourth of the city's population has left - voluntary transfer at work.

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aug03Mudeif Office
August 1, 2003

The discussion mainly focused on present relations between Christians and Muslims, as well as some history lessons on the Christian presence - particularly under Ottoman rule. There was general agreement that the situation for Christians improved with the arrival of the British as well as under Jordanian rule in the West Bank, but under Israeli rule/Occupation the situation has been unbearable for Christians and Muslims alike.

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aug03Mudeif Office
July 31, 2003

No visa, simply "provisional approval." He has to wait for another process - probably being an eighteen year-old young man from the Jenin area set off some buzzers. Now his application goes back to Homeland Security, which could take anywhere from a few days to a few months. This is a young man who has been involved with a number of Israeli-Palestinian peace exchange programs, but his profile isn't right.

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 29, 2003

The issues of the Security/Separation Wall is high on the agenda. It has become the new stumbling block in the negotiating process towards a settlement of the conflict here.

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 27, 2003

We went down to Birzeit this morning to worship in the Latin Church. It is Fr. Iyad's last Sunday before heading off to the seminary in a matter of weeks.

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 26, 2003

Throughout this conflict, there are many points of disagreement: settlements, Jerusalem, refugees, etc. However, there are some things on which there is near universal acceptance. One of these is that the Hebron settlements must be removed in any kind of final status. Seven years into Oslo (now ten), the Palestinians could always point to the continued presence of these settlers as evidence of the Israelis’ bad negotiation faith.

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 25, 2003

Refugees in West Bank camps have been under Jordanian, Israeli, and now Palestinian regimes in the past half century. Our host said, "For us refugees, the Palestinian Authority is not home - it is another host country. Our homes are on the other side of the border."

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 21, 2003

About to enter eighth grade, he is spending part of his summer away from his home in Jenin and visiting his brother, a student at Birzeit. We sat for a bit and chatted before class started.

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 20, 2003

Did we mention how infuriating this place can be? And this is for the people who are trying to get permission, trying to go the legal route. And for doing so, for kowtowing to this illegal Occupation and its illegal laws, for playing along, they are punished.

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 19, 2003

Today was very very hot. We spent most of it hiding out at home and trying not to exert ourselves (which meant a fair amount of TV watching and web surfing).

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jul03Mudeif Office
July 18, 2003

We arrived at Salem DCO to find a giant gate in front of the military camp. The Wall is being built here, and with the gate closed, it appeared as though there was no passage. But the man working the bulldozer assured us we could enter by going around the gate - after first walking between the fence and the trench running parallel to it.

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jul03Mudeif Office