Posts in aug02
August 31, 2002

The day we have waited for for two years, and the day our friend Firas has waited for for eight years: his ordination as a deacon (the step before priesthood) in the Melkite Church of Zababdeh.

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 29, 2002

The University has so far done a valiant job of staying open amid a hopeless time - we hope they are able to stay open and attract the needed faculty to keep this lifeline of education and employment open.

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 28, 2002

In Nablus, Hebron, and other towns, curfew means it is forbidden to leave home at all - for days on end, often lifted for a few hours and reinstated for however long the military wants. It means no school, no work, no hospital, no food.

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 27, 2002

As the American sabre rattles against Iraq, people here grow nervous. Reports have appeared in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz that Sharon will use an attack on Iraq to begin his not-so-secret project of "transfer" - the ethnic-cleansing of Palestinians from the West Bank. Blessed are the peacemakers...

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 25, 2002

Fr. Aktham announced Firas' upcoming ordination. The service will be next Saturday in the Latin Church because the Melkite church, abandoned for seventeen years, is in no shape for services.

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 24, 2002

"You know," she said, "I used to think that all Americans hated us. Thank you for showing us that not all Americans think the same." What's amazing is to realize that there are probably others who think and feel the same, especially when we've known nothing but unconditional welcome here. Humbling to say the least.

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 22, 2002

Our biggest problem was the giggling security girls who pulled us aside and asked us a few questions - they spent most of those few minutes being embarrassed about their halting English.

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aug02Mudeif Office
August 20, 2002

We leave this morning, via Chicago (today), Amsterdam (arriving tomorrow), then Amman (day after), Jerusalem (later that same day), and finally Zababdeh (the next day) - three days of travel ahead.

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aug02Mudeif Office