August 2, 2002
The Smithsonian!
The afternoon brought us down to the Mall for a quick look at the halls of power that have been impacting our life so directly with their Middle East policy. We did have time to visit the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, a great national (and free!) treasure. The sponsoring of the insect exhibit by Orkin was a bit much, though.
The insect zoo - sponsored by Orkin Pest Control!
We then went to visit a friend (and fellow alum - Elizabeth graduated! - of Northeastern Illinois University) who is working for the National Geographic Society. We met with her, as well as with two of their regional folks for Europe and the Middle East. We were anxious to ask for advice about filming from the experts.
In the evening, we visited with old friends who are Presbyterian pastors in the area. Marthame grew up with one of them 250 years ago at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. We sat out on their porch with friends of theirs who had spent a great deal of time in Kenya working in AIDS ministry. We're all sharing some of the same joys and frustrations - both internationally and locally. The more things change...