February 7, 2002
Zababdeh 7th graders have a class picnic in the hills.
Even with all that's been happening in Jenin lately, Marthame was assured that all was 'aadi - that is, normal. So he headed off to run some errands. It was, indeed, 'aadi. The longer we're here, the more interesting it is to go to Jenin - we know more and more people as we teach their children in the school and as we make more and more connections in the area.
Getting ready to do a little garbage pickup.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth and the two 7th grade home-room teachers headed off into the hills to take the students on a picnic and nature outing. The kids, divided into teams, were each assigned a different flower to find and analyze (e.g. what does it feel/smell/look like? What are its roots like, what are its leaves like, etc). And they also could collect one item (stone, shell, spider, insect, flower) to bring back, for further study in Biology class. After their sort of scavenger hunt, everyone relaxed and ate and drank and sang. On their way back, the kids were armed with plastic bags to pick up litter, a ubiquitous phenomenon here. A good time was had by all.
A 7th grader adorns his hair with colorful flowers picked nearby.
In the rest of the country, however, things had sadly returned to normal - a Palestinian was killed as he attacked the Jewish settlement of Hamra, killing three (Hamra is also the checkpoint we frequent on our way to Jerusalem). Supposedly in reprisal, the Israelis reduced the Nablus governor's headquarters to rubble. Seems like a strange choice of targets, but rarely do the punishments fit the crimes here.