February 6, 2002

English students presenting their skits.

Elizabeth has two English classes with the 11th Graders each week, working particularly on conversation skills. This week, they presented short skits that they wrote. It was fun to see how much energy they had put into them.

A flower in the hills.

More shooting again today in Jenin - after (what's been reported to be a) kangaroo court bent to public pressure and rendered its verdict against the three accused, the men were taken into custody, but they were ambushed and murdered on their way to the prison. Bizarre "Wild West"-style justice being carried out.

Among the olive trees.

Bulldozers and construction are all over town.

Elizabeth took a walk in the hills, to see what was coming up and prepare for the 7th grade nature trip tomorrow. She spotted a pretty yellow flower that she'd never seen before. Coming back home, she was captivated by the work of the bulldozer on a nearby construction project. All of Zababdeh has been converted into a construction zone, as everyone is anxious to rent out apartments to students and/or professors. As many jobs have disappeared, money from rent may be the most reliable place to find income from now on.

feb02Mudeif Office