March 1, 2003

Marthame walked towards the other side, stepping in mud up to his ankles, turning his once black shoes to brown. In Jenin, the combination of destruction and excessive rains left rivers of ankle-high running down the middle of the street, perfect for cleaning Marthame's shoes. When Marthame arrived at the bank, someone noticed his shoes (people notice shoes here) and said, "Have you been four-wheeling?"

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mar03, mar03.1Mudeif Office
February 14, 2003

The young man tried to explain that he's been trying to get his ID changed to say Jenin, but he can't because the only place he can do so is at the Palestinian Authority Office in Jenin which no longer exists.

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feb03Mudeif Office
February 13, 2003

Each car, however, was missing one tire, and the tires were stacked in a neat pile. The soldiers had come a half hour before and systematically removed one tire from each of the cars, then left. Couldn't have seemed more arbitrary unless they had set fire to the pile.

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feb03Mudeif Office
February 11, 2003

On our way back to Ramallah, we saw three women standing at the Qalandia checkpoint observing the goings-on. They were three observers from Checkpoint Watch, an Israeli group which was concerned by all of the abuses reported at various checkpoints.

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feb03Mudeif Office
February 10, 2003

They grew up as children of the first Intifada; one told us as a teen she spent a night in Israeli "children's jail" - she and her friends were arrested for practicing dabke, traditional Palestinian dance.

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feb03Mudeif Office