Posts in apr02
April 10, 2002

There's a lot of rhetoric about "terrorist infrastructure," but the targeting of civil infrastructure, human rights organizations, and medical personnel, as well as the reports of many, many civilian casualties calls all of that into question.

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apr02Mudeif Office
April 9, 2002

We fear the worst. We have had no contact with Nablus since yesterday, and the attacks on the Old City (where our closest friends there live) - and the resistance in it - have been fierce.

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apr02Mudeif Office
April 8, 2002

The Palestinian portrait seems to have been successfully painted as "terrorist" to the point that the killing and targeting of doctors, ambulance drivers, human rights advocates, journalists, barbers and bakers doesn't make a ripple.

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apr02Mudeif Office
April 7, 2002

The afternoon before the Israeli invasion, he broke his knee. As a result, he had to wait six days for medical attention. His doctor, a Jerusalem resident with offices in Jerusalem and Ramallah, was refused entry to Ramallah at the checkpoint. The soldier said "we don’t want you operating on Palestinians with war wounds."

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apr02Mudeif Office
April 6, 2002

But there is good news for those who would fear that the enemy is seeking their destruction - Christ appeared to the disciples. Christ is with those who fear, even in the face of death. This is the peace of the Christian message, that God knows our hopes as well as our fears, for God lived among us as human. May our besieged friends know this comfort.

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apr02Mudeif Office
April 4, 2002

We heard from various friends today who had to leave their international assignments in Beirut, Tehran, and Chile. As one friend consoled us about the difficulty of leaving, she said, "It's agonizing. We left Beirut three times and came back twice."

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apr02Mudeif Office
April 3, 2002

As we rode along, we could see an Apache helicopter directly overhead. These have been used for targeted assassinations of Palestinian militants. Even though logic told us not to worry, our bodies told us otherwise.

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apr02Mudeif Office