November 1, 2001

A sheikh and an Orthodox priest are debating about whether Christianity or Islam has more holy days. The Orthodox priest has a suggestion: "For each holiday we have, I'll pull one hair out of your beard, and vice versa. Whoever has the lighter beard at the end loses." The sheikh agrees, and goes first: "Ramadan...'Eid al-Fitir...'Eid al-Adha..." and so on, pulling one hair out of the priest's beard. When he finishes, the priest's beard appears as full as ever. So the priest begins: "Christmas...Easter...Epiphany..." and so on, pulling a hair out, one by one. Then he grabs the sheikh's beard, yells, "All Saints' Day!" and tugs! In all of our years in churches, this year is the first year we've heard an All Saints' Day joke.

Fr. Aktham’s birthday cake.

Elizabeth among Jenin’s Catholic clergy.

It was also Abuna Aktham's birthday, and we celebrated with the teachers and a birthday cake. There was a special Mass for the Christian students during school today, and after school we shared in lunch with Abuna Aktham, the Rosary Sisters of Zababdeh, Abuna Alphonse from Jenin, and the Sisters of St. Anne in Jenin. We noted that Elizabeth threw off the lovely black and white balance of the photo.

nov01Mudeif Office