August 18, 2003
Part of a Ramallah march to protest the killing of journalists.
The march is in response to the US killing of Palestinian journalist Mazen Da’na in Iraq.
Elizabeth went down into Ramallah to do some shopping; at al-Manara (the city center) she saw a gathering of people, a small demonstration in the works. She gathered with other onlookers to see what was happening. The Syndicate of Palestinian Journalists had organized a memorial march for Mazen Da'na, a Reuters cameraman and the second Palestinian journalist to be killed by US forces occupying Iraq. According to the official US account, a soldier mistook the Da'na's camera for a grenade launcher. It was to be the award-winning cameraman's last day in Baghdad.
A horse-drawn carriage decorated for the wedding season.
Elizabeth moved on to her errands, running across a less somber scene a few streets away. August seems to be prime wedding season, and various wedding transportation options (horse and carriage, Model-T-like car decked out with white flowers, etc.) periodically appear, advertising themselves on the streets. Today Elizabeth found a carriage with fez-ed attendants particularly appealing.
Meanwhile, Marthame was back home, working on computer. At night we migrated like spawning fish to good company at local restaurant and bar Stones.