December 7, 2003 - the 2nd Sunday of Advent
We worshiped in the Latin church today. Marthame filmed much of it for a segment we are doing about Mughannam, a young man who is very involved in the young adult ministry and also teaches religion at the school. During the announcements Fr. Aktham reminded the congregation that we are leaving soon. He gave an affectionate and warm pre-farewell farewell. We will really miss this place.
Marthame and Deacon Imad share a moment.
After church, we and Veronique, the French volunteer, went home with Mughannam for lunch and to interview him. He is an eloquent, faithful, and thoughtful young man, a good "spokesman" for Zababdeh. His little cousins (triplets in first grade) were as cute as you can imagine. After a delicious lunch and a fruitful interview, we went home, straight to the computer.
In the evening Deacon Imad, the seminarian doing his training in Zababdeh this year, came over for a visit. We chatted and watched TV and drank tea and coffee, showing him snippets of the film.