June 20, 2002
After sleeping in, we went off to run a few errands. It went so well and smooth it gave us culture shock! No roadblocks, no waiting for taxis to fill up, no need to drink tea and chat for half an hour before getting to business, and no "come back in two days" (something we hear often in the West Bank).
We spent much of the afternoon at the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal talking with the religion editor Beth Pratt. We had done the same when we came through town last year, which ended up in a nice article, and she had written two more pieces about our work and ministry during the past year. In a town and a region where Zionism and Christianity seem to be synonymous (as the 24-hour Christian pro-Israel UHF channel points to), building this relationship has been wonderful - both for us and for the community here.