June 14, 2002

As is becoming customary these days, we are spending an inordinate amount of time getting ready for our departure - not only are we preparing talks and schedules and renovating our webpages, we are also doing the mundane work of defrosting the fridge, dust-covering furniture, and giving the toilet a final scrub. These are exciting times.

Fr. To’mie speaks to the American audiences we will visit this summer.

In the afternoon, Marthame met Abuna To'mie Daoud at the Greek Orthodox Church for 5:00 prayers. Twice a day, in the morning and evening, he prays at the church in Zababdeh, usually accompanied by one or two of the congregation. It's a discipline that he keeps faithfully.

After prayers, Marthame filmed him for a video we're hoping to use this summer in our talks. Now all we have to do is find someone to help us translate it.

jun02Mudeif Office