April 9, 2003
Yesterday, on their way back home, the Jenin school bus was held up at the checkpoint for hours. One of the teachers argued with the captain, who told her, "You are not nice people."
"Why?" she asked.
"Because you were shooting at us last night." This is the kind of blanket punishment which so infuriates. A bus full of children and teachers are held to blame for night-time shooting. When they were finally allowed to pass, the teacher said to the captain, "Are you being nice now?" Fortunately, they all made it today, though the soldier made a point to remember the teacher with whom he had the exchange yesterday afternoon.
We went by the Latin Convent this evening to check on Fr. Aktham. He should be on a plane to Italy right now, but without a visa, he's here, stuck. The good news is that his neck is better.
The cross atop the Latin Church steeple.
The cross on top of the church is lit up with new lights, too, in celebration of Lent. Everyone is watching the events in Baghdad with great interest. Sharon has now made a statement that the Palestinians should learn a lesson: what happened in Baghdad can now happen in the West Bank. People here joke with us: If he means removing the undemocratic tyrant running rough-shod over them, then he'd better be careful - Palestinians would welcome the Americans arriving to remove Sharon from power.