October 7, 2002
Everyone made it to school today. The Tubas kids, however, are facing a new daily adventure. The Israeli army has set up what is looking to be a more and more permanent checkpoint between 'Aqaba and Tubas. Every day, the bus has to pass through it - going and coming. Each time, the soldiers take everyone off the bus, check the teachers' IDs, and then send them on. At least now they're getting through.
Fr. Aktham presides over the Mass.
At 12:00, the school adjourned for a special Mass in honor of yesterday's feast. The Christian students were obliged to stay - excepting those in Jenin whose bus left early to get them home hopefully safely. Some were organized into a small choir, singing, "God is love; Jesus is in my heart; His light is my way; Alleluia." Adorability.
The church is full of the Christian students.
The afternoon was filled with the constant churning sounds of airplanes overhead - no matter how much it might happen, it's difficult - if not impossible - to get used to it. The sound isn't deafening, but you can't drown it out. And it's constant. And it has this sense of dread to it. Reports like the one coming out of Khan Yunis refugee camp in Gaza this morning (fourteen Palestinians killed by Israeli airplane fire) no doubt add to our anxiety.
Our shepherd friend’s youngest.
In the evening, our shepherd friend came over for a visit, bringing his wife with him. The children, meanwhile, were in the tent taking care of each other, all except for the youngest daughter whom they brought along with them. She's unaccustomed to such bright-lit places at night, but our plastic strainers made good enough toys.