December 12, 2001
Today was Abu Anis' funeral. The entire village turns out for services, and today was no exception. The service was during school hours, so Marthame could not attend. But Elizabeth did, as her eleventh graders attended the service to support their classmate. The church was packed with red-eyed sad people. Abuna Aktham and a priest from the Latin Seminary led the service, full of mournful music and consoling words.
The village Christian cemetery is a important place of gathering.
At the end, the men left the church, carrying the body to the graveyard for the burial. The women stayed, crying and occasionally wailing. One of his daughters fainted and was carried out by an uncle.
After the service, Marthame had religion class with the eleventh grade. Needless to say, class was cancelled, but Marthame took the opportunity to talk to the students and pray together with them.