July 18, 2001

Kids enjoying the Latin Church Camp activities.

Latin Church Camp is a big hit.

After class today, we wandered back over towards the Latin Covent to visit its restaurant. Upon arriving, we discovered that there was a party! A nice, big portable stage had been driven in on an eighteen-wheeler, and kids were performing songs and dances for their families and friends. This is the second week of the Latin Church's camp. About 200 kids come each day to play games, do art projects, see films, study the Bible, and of course prepare songs and dances. According to Abuna (Father) Iyad, almost as important as the camp's ministry with the children is the ministry it offers to its leaders. The camp is coordinated and run by 35 or so young adults, who gather each day before camp begins for their own Bible study and preparation for the day's activities. It is great to see the whole community actively involved in the life of the parish.

We ran into a couple of people who were born and raised in Zababdeh - they had married people from Birzeit and moved here to be with extended family, but were excited to hear news from Zababdeh.

jul01Mudeif Office