June 16, 2001
Well, the unremarkable rental just became remarkable. The company, whose Enterprise(TM) shall remain nameless, couldn't follow through on their promised insurance deal, since they are franchised and each office is independent and we were 700 miles from ours and unable to renew our contract. But we're not ones to play petty games with such Enterprises(TM), so we'll let it go.
Flashing back to our interview at the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
We also got a glimpse at the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal's piece on our work, which looked quite impressive, bearing the headline "Palestinian Perspective" on the front page of the Saturday weekend section, and containing many of the photos we have taken of the village. We were very happy to get that kind of coverage of the Arab Christian community. Unfortunately, our village was identified (several times) as Beit Jala and not Zababdeh, so we can't show it to our friends in Zababdeh - they'll wonder why we've been spending all of our time in Beit Jala!
Marthame's sister is in Atlanta to visit, as is his college roommate, so we've been playing lots of board games and getting caught up on movies. Tonight Marthame's folks took us out for a special dinner (Elizabeth relished her pork chops - kinda hard to get in Zababdeh) to celebrate our wedding anniversary (six years!) a day early.