May 29, 2001
The cat that adopted us has brought along four kittens.
We've been trying to do a few last-minute visits this week before we head back to the States. But recently, we've had visitors who have come to us. Our friendly neighborhood cat (Ursa Minor, Little Bear, Little Dipper, or That Cat) has brought her four kittens out from their safe birth nest! They are following her around and aren't quite sure what to do with us, but they certainly appreciate our gifts of powdered milk and old cheese. For some reason, the same gifts haven't gone over well with our human visitors....
The trees above the Latin Convent teem wtih cattle egrets.
Walking through the town today reminded us of some of the things that we'll miss. One of them is the sound of the birds (mostly cattle egrets) that fill the trees near the Latin Convent - one of them isn't the risks we take walking under those trees.