August 25, 2001

Students lined up for the first day of school.

The last four days have been spent getting ready for the first day of school - we've had time at the school and at home to get prepared. Today was day one, and as happened last year, we received our new schedules we entered the school this morning. However, unlike last year, it appears unlikely that there will be great changes between now and the end of the year - already a vast improvement. The students were, for the most part, on time, as the road has been opened between Zababdeh and Qabatiya. This makes this a lot better for the busses and for the teachers who come by their own cars. It was a remarkably unremarkable day, which says a lot these days. The new principal, Abuna Aktham, has jumped into his job with both feet and is taking to it with a great level of energy and strength. Ahlan wa sahlan!

aug01Mudeif Office