February 6, 2001

Marthame instituted some exciting changes in his work in Zababdeh. In two weeks, his classroom time will be greatly reduced so that he can spend time developing other ministries (both in the school and in the churches of Zababdeh). He hopes to breathe some life into ongoing projects, like the English club, and to start new ones where the energy is.

The students are excited about the prospects of a penpal exchange.

One project that has been very exciting is an email pen-pal project where he has linked up youth at the school with youth in the States. The school kids are absolutely thrilled about it, but unfortunately he hasn't had much luck in finding American boys who are interested. (To avoid any potential "romance" concerns, the pen pals are same sex.) Hopefully some interested American boys will turn up soon, because the boys at the school are getting jealous of the girls.

Big changes are also taking place in Israel, as Sharon became the new Prime Minister today. The news was met with renewed shooting activity around the military camp outside Zababdeh. Strange how these things lose their terror after a while (both Sharon and the shooting, that is). People here, as many people in Israel, seem to feel indifferent about the election - both candidates fail to inspire, both offer little hope for people here. Some folks here even said they prefer Sharon, because he is more straightforward - even if you do not like what he says, at least you know he means it. It seems to be an opinion of a hopeless people.

feb01Mudeif Office