December 19, 2000
Exam time.
Marthame had his one day of giving final exams in religion to both grade 10 and 11. The school's system of organizing exams is quite effective - all of the students in grades 6-11 take their exams together in the auditorium. Students in the same class are not allowed to sit next to - or behind - each other. The likelihood of cheating is reduced to almost nothing (and, unfortunately, some of Marthame's students' grades tumbled as a result!).
One of our colleagues pitches in on the exhibit.
The English club's photo exhibit on the Intifada continues in production, as some of the teachers pitch in while the students are being examined. We have been busy making all of our plans and arrangements for the Christmas holidays and the visit of Elizabeth's family (see, there are tourists coming to the Holy Land!) - although most plans are in need of a number of back-up contingency plans just in case - closed roads, military blockades, airline cancellations, all of these are highly likely these days.