January 16, 2001
The view from our expanded pad.
We realized that we haven't talked much about our new, expanded pad! While it is good news for us, it happened because our neighbor had to leave. Originally from Jordan, he had come to Zababdeh to work in the school as a Social Worker. Because of some cutbacks, he stayed in Zababdeh but could find no work in his field. He tried desperately to stay as long as he could, working as a painter for the Ramallah construction company working on the new Arab-American University of Jenin. But when the Intifada started, the company closed up operations at the University - couldn't get their project managers through on the roads. So our neighbor went back to Jordan to be with his family and hopefully find work. We will miss him, but it does give us the opportunity to allow sunlight into the place and affords us a spectacular view of the University (too bad about the new chicken coop going up nearby).
Marthame models our friend’s Melkite robe.
We also visited tonight with our dear friend, the Melkite priest in waiting. He even let Marthame try on his Thob! As our work grows more ecumenical here, we got together to brainstorm cooperative possibilities with the Melkite community, whose church has been closed for fifteen years because no new priest has been installed. Even though they cannot worship, though, our friend is anxious to get them involved in a whole new bevy of ministries. We couldn't agree more.