November 23, 2000
American ex-pats in Zababdeh, mostly connected to the newly opened Arab-American University of Jenin
Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, we ate turkey. And stuffing. And sweet potatoes. And cranberry sauce (with the lines from the can and everything). Here in Zababdeh are the remnants of the American ex-pat community in the West Bank, all twenty to thirty of us. We were able to give thanks for our continued safety, and for the fact that we remain together with other Westerners to look to for support in these difficult times. Following school today, folks from the Palestinian Ministry of Education came to the school to talk with the teachers about how best to teach in the midst of the Intifada. The effect of the daily news on everyone - teachers and students alike - is being recognized. At the very least, it was a chance for the teachers to share their own anxieties and frustrations.