Precision Is Over-Rated
Returning to the Scene of the Grime
2000 Year Wait
Going Home
Extending the Olive Branch
Like the Dew of Hermon
Tossed Like a Ship
Mother, Should I Build a Wall?
Joyful and Triumphant
A Theme Song: Psalm 133
Come to Bethlehem and See
On the Way...
Transformed Communities
Transformed Lives
Real Life
sermonsMarthame Sanderschile, dan in real life, jesus, mine rescue, miners, parables, pneumatic tube, prayer, reality, unjust judge, widow
Unbinding Our Prayer
sermonsMarthame Sandersbumper stickers, disciples, discipline, faith, forgiveness, jesus, leaf blower, lottery, luke 17, millstone, mustard seed, neighbors, prayer, stumbling block
Unbinding the Gospel
sermonsMarthame Sanderscompassion fatigue, excess, gluttony, jesus, kenneth bailey, lazarus, mother theresa, parables, pearly gates, receptor desensitization, rich man, sadducees, st- peter
Why NOT Do Evangelism?
sermonsMarthame Sandersatahualpa, customer service, dishonest manager, disney, Evangelism, galilee, guns germs and steel, jared diamond, jesus, martha grace reese, parables, pizarro, pope benedict, ted haggard, unbinding your heart
Why Do Evangelism?
sermonsMarthame Sanders9/11, dove world outreach center, Evangelism, islam, jesus, keyringer, koran, lost coin, lost sheep, pastor terry jones, paul, pharisees, prodigal son, qur'an, timothy
Unbound: Part 3
sermonsMarthame Sandersaddiction, atlanta, cost of discipleship, cross, galilee, generosity, infants, jerusalem, jesus, jesus and money, john wesley, money, nazareth, newborns, parenting, stewardship